1. Services
  2.  | 
  3. Kaltura
  4.  | **UPDATE** Due to a recently discovered accessibility issue, the V7 conversion is postponed to a later date, yet to be determined.

**UPDATE** Due to a recently discovered accessibility issue, the V7 conversion is postponed to a later date, yet to be determined.

Feb 21, 2024

Important Update: Kaltura Player Upgrade to V7 on March 5th

We’re excited to announce that the Kaltura player is getting a major upgrade! On March 5th, we’ll be rolling out the new V7 Player, packed with enhancements to elevate your video experience. The upgrade includes a sleek and intuitive design, optimized performance, enhanced security, and a fresh look & feel.   

A rollout plan is in place to limit disruptions and allow users to gradually migrate to the new player over the next few months.   

On March 5th the V7 Player will replace the player shown in several areas: 

  • MediaSpace: Users will encounter the V7 player when viewing MediaSpace pages. 
  • Canvas: My Media entry page, Media Gallery, Media Gallery Playlists, and New LTI embeds will use the V7 player. 

In May all LTI Embeds added prior to March 5th will be automatically migrated to the V7 Player. 

Important Note: 

The V7 player will not be available through the “Share” function on March 5th due to some issues found in testing. The Kaltura team will provide more information on when this function will be available. Content using the Kaltura Embed/share function will need to be migrated manually to utilize the new player.  Information on that process is being developed and will be released over the coming months.  
Please review this Knowledge Base article for more information. 

Any questions, email ITservicedesk@psu.edu.